Code of conduct
- General
If you aren’t allowed to do it outside of the convention, it isn’t allowed at the convention.
Winnipeg Comiccon strives to create an environment which caters to the fan community and would like to remind attendees that they are still expected to be law abiding and responsible. Attendees who violate these rules may be subject to expulsion from the convention without refund and may be banned from attending again in subsequent years.
- Behaviour
All Winnipeg Comiccon attendees, guests, vendors, staff, partners, and volunteers are expected to interact in a respectable and positive manner. We are all here to have a great time, so please use common sense and be courteous.
We are looking to provide a safe, secure, and pleasant family environment, these activities are not allowed at the Winnipeg Comiccon:
- Engaging in any activity prohibited by law.
- Engaging in disruptive and unsafe behaviour that disturbs or endangers the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers.
- Physical or verbal harassment of the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers.
- Any activities deemed to be nuisances to the convention or the convention premises, including excessive noise or behaviour considered generally disruptive.
- Any act which could result in substantial risk or harm to people or property.
- Sexual misconduct, such as indecent exposure, offensive touching, or sexual harassment.
- Laser pointers, laser-aiming devices, or similar devices may not be used in public, unless you are officially sanctioned to lead or present a convention seminar, workshop, display, or other convention-sanctioned event in which a laser is needed.
- Any distribution of literature, business cards, promotional materials, or giveaways are strictly prohibited on the convention grounds, including the exits and entrances.
- In the interest of respecting the rights of people who want to be left alone, the following behaviours are considered unacceptable without prior consent of the recipient: hugging, groping, back-slapping, kissing, or other unwanted physical contact.
For more details on what is considered harassment, please see our Harassment Policy below.
All individuals whose actions violate these rules will be asked to stop such actions. Winnipeg Comiccon reserves the right to require anyone violating these rules of conduct to leave the event. Winnipeg Comiccon may withdraw permission for a person or persons to re-enter the event if that person continues to violate these rules.
Any violation of the rules of conduct which involve activities prohibited by law will result in notification of the proper authorities.
- Food and Beverages
- The convention centre will have areas to consume food and beverages
- No outside food or beverages can be consumed on the premises.
- Exceptions to the policy above are provided for foods required to accommodate specific dietary requirements (including infant food or formula), allergies or medical conditions.
- The consumption of any food or beverages is forbidden in all panel rooms and the Main Events room. Only sealable water bottles will be accepted in these rooms. Attendees are also expected to take proper measures to maintain a clean environment and dispose of any food or drink (including packaging) in a related garbage properly when they are done.
- Attendees who cause damage or are otherwise abusive of their food and beverage privileges may be expelled from the convention.
- Costuming, Props, and Photography
- Cosplay (costume + play) is encouraged, but some restrictions apply. Please see our Terms and Conditions here:
- Any item that Comiccon believes may be a prop and/or weapon must be immediately taken to Prop Check for examination. Please see our Props Rules here:
- Photography and video is permitted, but some restrictions apply. Please see our Terms and Conditions here:
Anti-Harassment Policy
Winnipeg Comiccon is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment free from harassment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, Comiccon staff, service providers, partners, and others, are expected to abide by this Anti-Harassment Policy.
Prohibited Conduct
Winnipeg Comiccon is a safe place for fans to interact with each other, their favourite creators, celebrities, and generally be themselves. We expect it to be a safe environment for everyone. Conduct that is prohibited includes:
- Harassment or intimidation based on ethnicity, creed, religious background, political background, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital status. fandom, or any other characteristic protected by law.
- Sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking, or unsolicited physical contact.
- Abusive, lewd, or threatening conduct.
- Physical or verbal harassment of the attendees, guests, vendors, staff, or volunteers.
- Words, signs, offensive jokes, cartoons, pictures, posters, pranks, or unwanted physical contact.
- Harassing or intimidating comments and statements made in person, via email, on websites or any of our social networks.
- Physical violence or threats of violence.
- Sexually charged communications or conduct.
- Inappropriate photography or filming where the subject feels they are being stalked, exploited, degraded, or disrespected through being photographed or filmed.
Harassment Defined
Harassment includes verbal, written, or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual on the basis of any of the above list protected factors and that:
- Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment;
- Has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s performance or ability to participate in events or activities;
Harassing conduct include epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, denigrating jokes, offensive texts, online comments, and emails, as well as the application of any stereotypes or generalizations based on any of the prohibited grounds.
Sexual harassment means any unwelcome conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature, whether on a one-time basis or in a continuous series of incidents that might reasonably be expected to offend or embarrass an individual. Sexual harassment also includes any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical unwelcome conduct.
Reporting Acts of Harassment or Retaliation
Comiccon cannot take action to stop conduct if it does not know of the conduct. Comiccon encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of harassment or retaliation, regardless of the offender’s identity or position.
- Individuals who believe they have been the victim of such conduct should inform a Comiccon staff or convention security.
- Comiccon encourages individuals to advise the offender that his or her conduct is unwelcome and to request that it be discontinued, if they feel comfortable so doing.
- Comiccon encourages the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that immediate action can be taken, if appropriate. An individual making a complaint may be asked to put the complaint in writing.
- If an individual witnesses or is the victim of prohibited conduct that requires immediate response by Comiccon, the individual should contact Comiccon staff or convention security.
- In the event that an individual feels that his or her physical safety is in jeopardy, Comiccon encourages the individual to contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to make a report.
- Any reported allegations of harassment or retaliation will be investigated promptly. The investigation may include individual interviews with the parties involved as well as witnesses to the conduct.
- Comiccon will maintain confidentiality to the extent consistent with appropriate investigation and corrective action.
If it is determined – either by observation or by complaint – that an individual or group has engaged in prohibited conduct at the convention, any or all of the following things may occur. That individual or group may be:
- Warned to cease and desist;
- Asked to leave the convention, or;
- Banned from the convention for a period to be determined by staff.